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Service by public notice on subsequent recovery Ivan Martynov 3.7.2024

Publication date 3.7.2024 11.51 | Published in English on 3.7.2024 at 11.53
Press release

Service of Finnish Customs's proposed decision on subsequent recovery

As service by public notice, Ivan Martynov is hereby notified, according to section 62 of the Administrative Procedure Act, that the proposed decision on subsequent taxation 1 51240 24179 0001 00 regarding him, which has been confirmed on 3 July 2024 and which Finnish Customs has not been able to serve in any other manner, is on display (including instructions for appeal) on the noticeboard of the former customer service facilities of Finnish Customs, on the second floor at the address Finnish Customs, Opastinsilta 12, 00520 Helsinki, for 30 days after the service of the decision has been effected.

The service of the decision shall be considered effected on the seventh day after the day when this notification was published in the Official Journal.

Public notices