Statistics information

  • Quality of the foreign trade statistics in 2011

    Statistics bulletin 14.9.2012

    The final foreign trade statistics for 2011 were published on 31 August 2012. As of year 2010, the final figures of the statistical year are published at the end of August the next year. National...

    International trade statistics
  • Record deficit of the trade balance in 2011

    Statistics bulletin 7.2.2012

    In 2011, the Finnish foreign trade showed an exceptional deficit. The deficit amounted to almost 3.6 billion euros. The last time deficits with real values approximately at the same level were...

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Statistics service
Mon–Fri 9 am–2.30 pm

You can ask about

  • finding and interpreting statistics on the foreign trade of goods
  • the use of the service for searching data in international trade statistics i.e. ULJAS database. 
Intrastat declarations
Mon–Fri 9 am–12 am

You can ask about

  • declarations of intra-EU trade
  • the use of the Intrastat Declaration Service.